What clients say about our expertise
Selected testimonies and awesome track record
SafetyNetwork has signed confidentiality agreements with all its clients, and our clients are our most valuable asset. Most of them are willing to talk about SafetyNetwork's valued offering, and have provided us with a number of customers testimonies which we are willing to share with you at anytime. Why don't you call us ?
"SafetyNetwork helped O-I Europe to assess the safety performance in ten (10) opportunity plants bringing with a program frame, a "tailor-made" plant safety road map with a clear execution plan developed in conjunction of the plan team.
Believe few words can better describe the value and contribution of this exercice which is another step in our journey and focus on building an injury-free environment and culture in our plants : not doing more but better, strenghten motication from plant management to the shop flor, raising safety awareness and looking for new opportunities, understanding our roles and responsabilities on risks assessments, value of safety and understanding ways to improve conditions and behaviors."
Jorge Hernandez
VP Manufacturing Europe Owens Illinois Europe
"In a very specific cultural context in terms of safety, SafetyNetwork helped us to evolve from a disciplinary driven approach to one of Management. Through the involvement of all levels in the company, the implementation of suitable field tools and appropriate communication channels, we have reduced our injury rate by almost 95% allowing us now to aim for "zero accidents"."
Laurent Sanchez
General Manager China
Le Belier Longtou-Lushun-Dalian-China
"SafetyNetwork contributed significantly to improving our BU’s safety performance. They accompanied our approach by helping all actors identify their correct positioning and by facilitating a reflection on the conditions needed for a successful culture change. Their approach combines pragmatism and a bird’s eye view."
Xavier Saint Martin Tillet
Industrial Director - Lafarge Algeria
"SafetyNetwork provided for Bostik a tailor-made program to drive our worldwide Behavior Based Safety training program aimed at reinforcing the exemplarity of Managers, the reinforcement of safety on the field via effective conversation. The motto “Don’t Walk Past” is now in the Bostik culture; the methodic approach of the training program has been very beneficial to all regions. This ambitious approach was a significant step on our path to Operational Excellence."
François Germain
Worlwide HSE Director - Bostik